
Chinese: 混灭威French: diméthacarb (n.m.)Russian: диметакарб

Approval: China
IUPAC PIN: dimethylphenyl methylcarbamate
IUPAC name: dimethylphenyl methylcarbamate
1979 Rules:
xylyl methylcarbamate
CAS name: dimethylphenyl N-methylcarbamate
CAS Reg. No.:
Formula: C10H13NO2
Activity: insecticides (phenyl carbamate)
Notes: There is no ISO common name for this substance; the name “dimethacarb” (混灭威) is approved in China.
The 3,4-dimethylphenyl ester has the ISO common name xylylcarb [2425-10-7], and the 3,5-dimethylphenyl ester has the Japanese common name XMC [2655-14-3].
Structure: Structural formula of dimethacarb
Pronunciation: dī-měth-a-karb  Guide to British pronunciation

A data sheet from the Compendium of Pesticide Common Names