Help – Index of Molecular Formulae

This index includes all of the molecular formulae in the Formula field on the data sheets.

It also contains molecular formulae for the simple salt and ester derivatives that are listed in the Notes field on the data sheets.

Use the navigation table just below the title to display the appropriate place within the index in the left-hand frame. For example, click “C7” to display a range of formulae for molecules containing 7 carbon atoms, or click “C26” to display those containing 26 carbon atoms. Molecules containing no carbon are listed under “C0”.

Scroll down the left-hand frame until you find the molecular formula you want, and then click the pesticide name just below it in order to display the data sheet in the main frame. There can be more than one pesticide with the same formula.

For molecules that do not contain carbon, the elements are arranged in alphabetical order.

For molecules containing carbon, “C” comes first, followed by “H” if present, and then the other elements in alphabetical order.

Sorting of molecular formulae is determined by looking at the number of atoms of each element in turn. This produces the order:
