Character sets

Apple’s MacRoman character set and equivalent Unicode and HTML characters


The following table lists all of the 223 characters in Apple’s proprietary MacRoman character set, and gives the Unicode name and numeric character reference (in decimal and hexadecimal) for each character. Characters 32–126 are identical to those in the ANSI character set and the ISO 8859-1 character set. Differences between character sets.

The characters that appear in the first column of the following table are either typed from the keyboard (32–126) or generated from Unicode numeric character references (127–255), and so they should appear correctly in any Web browser that supports Unicode and that has suitable fonts available, regardless of the operating system.

Character Macintosh 
 HTML 4.0 
Unicode NameUnicode Range
32320x20U+0020  spaceBasic Latin
!33330x21U+0021 exclamation markBasic Latin
"34340x22U+0022"quotation markBasic Latin
#35350x23U+0023 number signBasic Latin
$36360x24U+0024 dollar signBasic Latin
%37370x25U+0025 percent signBasic Latin
&38380x26U+0026&ampersandBasic Latin
'39390x27U+0027 apostropheBasic Latin
(40400x28U+0028 left parenthesisBasic Latin
)41410x29U+0029 right parenthesisBasic Latin
*42420x2AU+002A asteriskBasic Latin
+43430x2BU+002B plus signBasic Latin
,44440x2CU+002C commaBasic Latin
-45450x2DU+002D hyphen-minusBasic Latin
.46460x2EU+002E full stopBasic Latin
/47470x2FU+002F solidusBasic Latin
048480x30U+0030 digit zeroBasic Latin
149490x31U+0031 digit oneBasic Latin
250500x32U+0032 digit twoBasic Latin
351510x33U+0033 digit threeBasic Latin
452520x34U+0034 digit fourBasic Latin
553530x35U+0035 digit fiveBasic Latin
654540x36U+0036 digit sixBasic Latin
755550x37U+0037 digit sevenBasic Latin
856560x38U+0038 digit eightBasic Latin
957570x39U+0039 digit nineBasic Latin
:58580x3AU+003A colonBasic Latin
;59590x3BU+003B semicolonBasic Latin
<60600x3CU+003C&lt;less-than signBasic Latin
=61610x3DU+003D equals signBasic Latin
>62620x3EU+003E&gt;greater-than signBasic Latin
?63630x3FU+003F question markBasic Latin
@64640x40U+0040 commercial atBasic Latin
A65650x41U+0041 Latin capital letter ABasic Latin
B66660x42U+0042 Latin capital letter BBasic Latin
C67670x43U+0043 Latin capital letter CBasic Latin
D68680x44U+0044 Latin capital letter DBasic Latin
E69690x45U+0045 Latin capital letter EBasic Latin
F70700x46U+0046 Latin capital letter FBasic Latin
G71710x47U+0047 Latin capital letter GBasic Latin
H72720x48U+0048 Latin capital letter HBasic Latin
I73730x49U+0049 Latin capital letter IBasic Latin
J74740x4AU+004A Latin capital letter JBasic Latin
K75750x4BU+004B Latin capital letter KBasic Latin
L76760x4CU+004C Latin capital letter LBasic Latin
M77770x4DU+004D Latin capital letter MBasic Latin
N78780x4EU+004E Latin capital letter NBasic Latin
O79790x4FU+004F Latin capital letter OBasic Latin
P80800x50U+0050 Latin capital letter PBasic Latin
Q81810x51U+0051 Latin capital letter QBasic Latin
R82820x52U+0052 Latin capital letter RBasic Latin
S83830x53U+0053 Latin capital letter SBasic Latin
T84840x54U+0054 Latin capital letter TBasic Latin
U85850x55U+0055 Latin capital letter UBasic Latin
V86860x56U+0056 Latin capital letter VBasic Latin
W87870x57U+0057 Latin capital letter WBasic Latin
X88880x58U+0058 Latin capital letter XBasic Latin
Y89890x59U+0059 Latin capital letter YBasic Latin
Z90900x5AU+005A Latin capital letter ZBasic Latin
[91910x5BU+005B left square bracketBasic Latin
\92920x5CU+005C reverse solidusBasic Latin
]93930x5DU+005D right square bracketBasic Latin
^94940x5EU+005E circumflex accentBasic Latin
_95950x5FU+005F low lineBasic Latin
`96960x60U+0060 grave accentBasic Latin
a97970x61U+0061 Latin small letter aBasic Latin
b98980x62U+0062 Latin small letter bBasic Latin
c99990x63U+0063 Latin small letter cBasic Latin
d1001000x64U+0064 Latin small letter dBasic Latin
e1011010x65U+0065 Latin small letter eBasic Latin
f1021020x66U+0066 Latin small letter fBasic Latin
g1031030x67U+0067 Latin small letter gBasic Latin
h1041040x68U+0068 Latin small letter hBasic Latin
i1051050x69U+0069 Latin small letter iBasic Latin
j1061060x6AU+006A Latin small letter jBasic Latin
k1071070x6BU+006B Latin small letter kBasic Latin
l1081080x6CU+006C Latin small letter lBasic Latin
m1091090x6DU+006D Latin small letter mBasic Latin
n1101100x6EU+006E Latin small letter nBasic Latin
o1111110x6FU+006F Latin small letter oBasic Latin
p1121120x70U+0070 Latin small letter pBasic Latin
q1131130x71U+0071 Latin small letter qBasic Latin
r1141140x72U+0072 Latin small letter rBasic Latin
s1151150x73U+0073 Latin small letter sBasic Latin
t1161160x74U+0074 Latin small letter tBasic Latin
u1171170x75U+0075 Latin small letter uBasic Latin
v1181180x76U+0076 Latin small letter vBasic Latin
w1191190x77U+0077 Latin small letter wBasic Latin
x1201200x78U+0078 Latin small letter xBasic Latin
y1211210x79U+0079 Latin small letter yBasic Latin
z1221220x7AU+007A Latin small letter zBasic Latin
{1231230x7BU+007B left curly bracketBasic Latin
|1241240x7CU+007C vertical lineBasic Latin
}1251250x7DU+007D right curly bracketBasic Latin
~1261260x7EU+007E tildeBasic Latin
 1271270x7FU+007F (not used) 
Ä1281960x80U+00C4&Auml;Latin capital letter A with diaeresisLatin-1 Supplement
Å1291970x81U+00C5&Aring;Latin capital letter A with ring aboveLatin-1 Supplement
Ç1301990x82U+00C7&Ccedil;Latin capital letter C with cedillaLatin-1 Supplement
É1312010x83U+00C9&Eacute;Latin capital letter E with acuteLatin-1 Supplement
Ñ1322090x84U+00D1&Ntilde;Latin capital letter N with tildeLatin-1 Supplement
Ö1332140x85U+00D6&Ouml;Latin capital letter O with diaeresisLatin-1 Supplement
Ü1342200x86U+00DC&Uuml;Latin capital letter U with diaeresisLatin-1 Supplement
á1352250x87U+00E1&aacute;Latin small letter a with acuteLatin-1 Supplement
à1362240x88U+00E0&agrave;Latin small letter a with graveLatin-1 Supplement
â1372260x89U+00E2&acirc;Latin small letter a with circumflexLatin-1 Supplement
ä1382280x8AU+00E4&auml;Latin small letter a with diaeresisLatin-1 Supplement
ã1392270x8BU+00E3&atilde;Latin small letter a with tildeLatin-1 Supplement
å1402290x8CU+00E5&aring;Latin small letter a with ring aboveLatin-1 Supplement
ç1412310x8DU+00E7&ccedil;Latin small letter c with cedillaLatin-1 Supplement
é1422330x8EU+00E9&eacute;Latin small letter e with acuteLatin-1 Supplement
è1432320x8FU+00E8&egrave;Latin small letter e with graveLatin-1 Supplement
ê1442340x90U+00EA&ecirc;Latin small letter e with circumflexLatin-1 Supplement
ë1452350x91U+00EB&euml;Latin small letter e with diaeresisLatin-1 Supplement
í1462370x92U+00ED&iacute;Latin small letter i with acuteLatin-1 Supplement
ì1472360x93U+00EC&igrave;Latin small letter i with graveLatin-1 Supplement
î1482380x94U+00EE&icirc;Latin small letter i with circumflexLatin-1 Supplement
ï1492390x95U+00EF&iuml;Latin small letter i with diaeresisLatin-1 Supplement
ñ1502410x96U+00F1&ntilde;Latin small letter n with tildeLatin-1 Supplement
ó1512430x97U+00F3&oacute;Latin small letter o with acuteLatin-1 Supplement
ò1522420x98U+00F2&ograve;Latin small letter o with graveLatin-1 Supplement
ô1532440x99U+00F4&ocirc;Latin small letter o with circumflexLatin-1 Supplement
ö1542460x9AU+00F6&ouml;Latin small letter o with diaeresisLatin-1 Supplement
õ1552450x9BU+00F5&otilde;Latin small letter o with tildeLatin-1 Supplement
ú1562500x9CU+00FA&uacute;Latin small letter u with acuteLatin-1 Supplement
ù1572490x9DU+00F9&ugrave;Latin small letter u with graveLatin-1 Supplement
û1582510x9EU+00FB&ucirc;Latin small letter u with circumflexLatin-1 Supplement
ü1592520x9FU+00FC&uuml;Latin small letter u with diaeresisLatin-1 Supplement
16082240xA0U+2020&dagger;daggerGeneral Punctuation
°1611760xA1U+00B0&deg;degree signLatin-1 Supplement
¢1621620xA2U+00A2&cent;cent signLatin-1 Supplement
£1631630xA3U+00A3&pound;pound signLatin-1 Supplement
§1641670xA4U+00A7&sect;section signLatin-1 Supplement
16582260xA5U+2022&bull;bulletGeneral Punctuation
1661820xA6U+00B6&para;pilcrow signLatin-1 Supplement
ß1672230xA7U+00DF&szlig;Latin small letter sharp sLatin-1 Supplement
®1681740xA8U+00AE&reg;registered signLatin-1 Supplement
©1691690xA9U+00A9&copy;copyright signLatin-1 Supplement
17084820xAAU+2122&trade;trade mark signLetterlike Symbols
´1711800xABU+00B4&acute;acute accentLatin-1 Supplement
¨1721680xACU+00A8&uml;diaeresisLatin-1 Supplement
17388000xADU+2260&ne;not equal toMathematical Operators
Æ1741980xAEU+00C6&AElig;Latin capital letter AELatin-1 Supplement
Ø1752160xAFU+00D8&Oslash;Latin capital letter O with strokeLatin-1 Supplement
17687340xB0U+221E&infin;infinityMathematical Operators
±1771770xB1U+00B1&plusmn;plus-minus signLatin-1 Supplement
17888040xB2U+2264&le;less-than or equal toMathematical Operators
17988050xB3U+2265&ge;greater-than or equal toMathematical Operators
¥1801650xB4U+00A5&yen;yen signLatin-1 Supplement
µ1811810xB5U+00B5&micro;micro signLatin-1 Supplement
18287060xB6U+2202&part;partial differentialMathematical Operators
18387210xB7U+2211&sum;n-ary summationMathematical Operators
18487190xB8U+220F&prod;n-ary productMathematical Operators
π1859600xB9U+03C0&pi;Greek small letter piGreek
18687470xBAU+222B&int;integralMathematical Operators
ª1871700xBBU+00AA&ordf;feminine ordinal indicatorLatin-1 Supplement
º1881860xBCU+00BA&ordm;masculine ordinal indicatorLatin-1 Supplement
Ω1899370xBDU+03A9&Omega;Greek capital letter OmegaGreek
æ1902300xBEU+00E6&aelig;Latin small letter aeLatin-1 Supplement
ø1912480xBFU+00F8&oslash;Latin small letter o with strokeLatin-1 Supplement
¿1921910xC0U+00BF&iquest;inverted question markLatin-1 Supplement
¡1931610xC1U+00A1&iexcl;inverted exclamation markLatin-1 Supplement
¬1941720xC2U+00AC&not;not signLatin-1 Supplement
19587300xC3U+221A&radic;square rootMathematical Operators
ƒ1964020xC4U+0192&fnof;Latin small letter f with hookLatin Extended-B
19787760xC5U+2248&asymp;almost equal toMathematical Operators
19887100xC6U+2206 incrementMathematical Operators
«1991710xC7U+00AB&laquo;left-pointing double angle quotation markLatin-1 Supplement
»2001870xC8U+00BB&raquo;right-pointing double angle quotation markLatin-1 Supplement
20182300xC9U+2026&hellip;horizontal ellipsisGeneral Punctuation
 2021600xCAU+00A0&nbsp;no-break spaceLatin-1 Supplement
À2031920xCBU+00C0&Agrave;Latin capital letter A with graveLatin-1 Supplement
Ã2041950xCCU+00C3&Atilde;Latin capital letter A with tildeLatin-1 Supplement
Õ2052130xCDU+00D5&Otilde;Latin capital letter O with tildeLatin-1 Supplement
Œ2063380xCEU+0152&OElig;Latin capital ligature OELatin Extended-A
œ2073390xCFU+0153&oelig;Latin small ligature oeLatin Extended-A
20882110xD0U+2013&ndash;en dashGeneral Punctuation
20982120xD1U+2014&mdash;em dashGeneral Punctuation
21082200xD2U+201C&ldquo;left double quotation markGeneral Punctuation
21182210xD3U+201D&rdquo;right double quotation markGeneral Punctuation
21282160xD4U+2018&lsquo;left single quotation markGeneral Punctuation
21382170xD5U+2019&rsquo;right single quotation markGeneral Punctuation
÷2142470xD6U+00F7&divide;division signLatin-1 Supplement
21596740xD7U+25CA&loz;lozengeGeometric Shapes
ÿ2162550xD8U+00FF&yuml;Latin small letter y with diaeresisLatin-1 Supplement
Ÿ2173760xD9U+0178&Yuml;Latin capital letter Y with diaeresisLatin Extended-A
21882600xDAU+2044&frasl;fraction slashGeneral Punctuation
21983640xDBU+20AC&euro;euro signCurrency Symbols
22082490xDCU+2039&lsaquo;single left-pointing angle quotation markGeneral Punctuation
22182500xDDU+203A&rsaquo;single right-pointing angle quotation markGeneral Punctuation
222642570xDEU+FB01 Latin small ligature fiAlphabetic Presentation Forms
223642580xDFU+FB02 Latin small ligature flAlphabetic Presentation Forms
22482250xE0U+2021&Dagger;double daggerGeneral Punctuation
·2251830xE1U+00B7&middot;middle dotLatin-1 Supplement
22682180xE2U+201A&sbquo;single low-9 quotation markGeneral Punctuation
22782220xE3U+201E&bdquo;double low-9 quotation markGeneral Punctuation
22882400xE4U+2030&permil;per mille signGeneral Punctuation
Â2291940xE5U+00C2&Acirc;Latin capital letter A with circumflexLatin-1 Supplement
Ê2302020xE6U+00CA&Ecirc;Latin capital letter E with circumflexLatin-1 Supplement
Á2311930xE7U+00C1&Aacute;Latin capital letter A with acuteLatin-1 Supplement
Ë2322030xE8U+00CB&Euml;Latin capital letter E with diaeresisLatin-1 Supplement
È2332000xE9U+00C8&Egrave;Latin capital letter E with graveLatin-1 Supplement
Í2342050xEAU+00CD&Iacute;Latin capital letter I with acuteLatin-1 Supplement
Î2352060xEBU+00CE&Icirc;Latin capital letter I with circumflexLatin-1 Supplement
Ï2362070xECU+00CF&Iuml;Latin capital letter I with diaeresisLatin-1 Supplement
Ì2372040xEDU+00CC&Igrave;Latin capital letter I with graveLatin-1 Supplement
Ó2382110xEEU+00D3&Oacute;Latin capital letter O with acuteLatin-1 Supplement
Ô2392120xEFU+00D4&Ocirc;Latin capital letter O with circumflexLatin-1 Supplement
240637430xF0U+F8FF Apple logoPrivate Use Area
Ò2412100xF1U+00D2&Ograve;Latin capital letter O with graveLatin-1 Supplement
Ú2422180xF2U+00DA&Uacute;Latin capital letter U with acuteLatin-1 Supplement
Û2432190xF3U+00DB&Ucirc;Latin capital letter U with circumflexLatin-1 Supplement
Ù2442170xF4U+00D9&Ugrave;Latin capital letter U with graveLatin-1 Supplement
ı2453050xF5U+0131 Latin small letter dotless iLatin Extended-A
ˆ2467100xF6U+02C6&circ;modifier letter circumflex accentSpacing Modifier Letters
˜2477320xF7U+02DC&tilde;small tildeSpacing Modifier Letters
¯2481750xF8U+00AF&macr;macronLatin-1 Supplement
˘2497280xF9U+02D8 breveSpacing Modifier Letters
˙2507290xFAU+02D9 dot aboveSpacing Modifier Letters
˚2517300xFBU+02DA ring aboveSpacing Modifier Letters
¸2521840xFCU+00B8&cedil;cedillaLatin-1 Supplement
˝2537330xFDU+02DD double acute accentSpacing Modifier Letters
˛2547310xFEU+02DB ogonekSpacing Modifier Letters
ˇ2557110xFFU+02C7 caronSpacing Modifier Letters

The euro sign at position 219 was introduced with Mac OS 8.5; this position was previously used for the currency sign.


Copyright © 2000 Alan Wood

Created 16th June 2000   Last modified 12th November 2000

Send comments or questions to Alan Wood

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